Become the Innovation Champion in your company and use innovation strategically to move your business forward in a measurable way.
1. Understand the various types of innovation (incremental, disruptive, moonshots, 10X initiatives) and innovation approaches (internal vs external)
2. Manage the innovation process (Ideation, Evaluation, Solution, Marketing) utilizing different methodologies, tools and techniques.
3. Establish high level innovation strategy for the company
4. Establish a tactical plan to create a culture of innovation within your organization
5. Manage the innovation teams, create an innovative learning environment, and deliver webinars, workshops and internal trainings.
6. Learn and practice techniques to find problems worth solving and gain insights using methodologies such as Design Thinking and Lean Start Up.

Participants should bring their laptops, as they will be required to do several presentations throughout the training. Canvases and templates for the exercises will be provided during the course.Participants should have presentation software like Powerpoint available on their laptop as well as planning tools like Excel.
This course is intended for anybody that wants to get a deeper understanding of how to successfully implement innovation programs and change the culture of a company. It is meant for Strategy Leaders, HR Managers, Marketin Managers, Innovation & Digital Transformation Managers, Business Managers, but also and primarily for anybody that aims to be or become an innovation leader or an innovation champion.
Creative Thinking: Using imagination to develop new insights into situations and applying innovative solutions to problems; designing new methods where established methods and procedures are inapplicable or are unavailable
Business Modeling: Use research, benchmarks and validation to identify how concepts can be implemented and monetized. This is done through definition of proper customer segmentation, revenue models, customer acquisition channels as well as costs and resources needed to setup and operate the business.
Coaching: Ask relevant questions to make implicit needs emerge; use polar thinking to analyze or change ideas; Understand personality types to get buy-in and convince others to pursue the innovation journey.
Innovation Leadership: inspiring, selling, pitching, reframing
Strategic Foresight and Innovation Strategy: Signal finding, Trend scanning, Scenario development, innovation portfolio development. Managing the innovation funnel.